Thursday, March 5, 2020

FIFA, the Church of Football - English Listening Exercise

FIFA, the Church of Football - English Listening Exercise Ok, we know that everyone is focused on the World Cup now, so we thought we should give you an English listening exercise about it. In this video comedian and football fan John Oliver makes some very funny, but very critical points about FIFA and the World Cup. The video is fairly long, so we made the listening exercise for the first 2 minutes, and the last minute. If you have time, watch the whole thing its quite interesting. If not, you can skip to the parts we used for the exercise.Ok, we know that everyone is focused on the World Cup now, so we thought we should give you an English listening exercise about it. In this video comedian and football fan John Oliver makes some very funny, but very critical points about FIFA and the World Cup. The video is fairly long, so we made the listening exercise for the first 2 minutes, and the last minute. If you have time, watch the whole thing its quite interesting. If not, you can skip to the parts we used for the exercise.Answer the quest ions below in comments, and well respond:First 2 Minutes:What is The Sausage Principle?I am both excited and _______ ______ about it.How does he describe soccer in America?Why is he conflicted about the world cup?Why does he say Brazilians are excited about everything?Starting at 12:05:Its very hard to ______ how I can get ___ ____ ___ from an organization thats ____ ___ ____  ____.What are the four things that he uses to compare football to religion?

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